Masters In Motion 2019

Below are answers to some of the most common questions we get during the event and at the bottom of this page is the Full schedule for this year’s Masters In Motion.

If you still have any questions feel free to send us a message on twitter or ask any of our staff members (they’re the ones with the Black name badges).


I just landed in Austin. Where is the Omni and how do I get there?

The Omni Hotel is located at 700 San Jacinto Blvd. Lyft and Uber are both available in Austin and will run you about $15 for an Uber X. An airport shuttle service is also available through Super Shuttle for a fee – call (512) 258-3826. The Capital Metro Bus service furnishes public transportation throughout the city (one block from the hotel). Taxi Service: Approximately $30

For turn by turn directions, click here.

Any tips for the Omni?

Definitly. Snag free wifi by signing up for their select guest loyalty program here.

When & where is the welcome reception?

The welcome reception is Sunday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the Omni Hotel in the Lonestar room, which is on the 2nd floor of the Omni lobby. At the welcome reception you’ll get to register, pick up your name badge, grab your swag bag, and of course, mingle with like minded folks.

Where can I park for the welcome reception?

While the Omni does have parking, the price is a little steep; but, there are plenty of public parking lots near by, along with metered parking surrounding the building.

I can't make it to Sunday's welcome reception. What do I do?

Don’t fret cause we’ve got you covered. You will also be able to pick up your name badge and swag bag first thing Monday morning at the Alamo. The Alamo doors open at 8:45am Monday morning.

I heard you guys are already giving away 2 tickets for next year. What do I do to win?

MIM 2019 Giveaway

I want to make sure i don't miss a thing so what's the best way to get updates throughout the event?

There are a few things we don’t make public until we’re at the event such as where our nightly hangouts are happening and how to get in on our giveaways at the wrap party. We will announce these kinds of details at the event itself but you can also sign up for text updates by texting MIM to 43506.

Do I have to wear this name badge?

Yes please! Your name badge is the ONLY way to get into any of the presentations and the wrap party so make sure you wear it.

What about meals? Anything included? What's good in the neighborhood?

Monday and Wednesday we’re at the Alamo Drafthouseand we will have breakfast tacos in the morning for everyone. The Alamo has a full menu so you can order lunch from your seat or sneak out and grab something during the breaks but time is a bit tight so we'd suggest ordering at the Alamo so you don't miss anything. Trust us, the food is really, really good. Tuesday are the breakout sessions and we start at 10am then do an hour long lunch break so everyone can go out and get lunch on their own. Everyone is free to go wherever they want for dinner each night. There are tons of delicious options in the neighborhood. Some of our favorites are Parkside, Stella San Jac, Eureka, TacoWey, Happy Chicks, The Jackalope and Slake Cafe.


Where is the Alamo Drafthouse and how do I get there from the Omni?

The Alamo Drafthouse is located at 320 E. 6th St. If you're walking from the Omni to the Alamo, exit through the main Omni entrance and head east on E 8th St toward San Jacinto Blvd. Turn right onto San Jacinto Blvd. Turn left onto E 6th St. The Alamo Drafthouse will be on the left.

I live in Austin. How do I get to the Alamo?

From the North: Follow I-35 south, exit 6th Street Downtown. Turn right (west) onto 6th Street. After you cross Trinity Street, look for the big 'Ritz' sign on your right.

From the South: Follow I-35 north, exit 6th Street Downtown, follow the access road to 6th street and turn left (west, under the freeway). After you cross Trinity Street, look for the big 'Ritz' sign on your right. The entrance is underneath that sign.

Where can I park near the Alamo?

There are plenty of public parking lots nearby, along with metered parking surrounding the building. If you're willing to walk three blocks or so, metered parking on the street is usually available if you head due north on Trinity.

What time does everything start Monday?

At 8:45am the Alamo Drafthouse doors open. We will have breakfast tacos and, of course, coffee. Theater doors open at 8:45am and presentations kick off at 9:15am.

What do I need to bring with me to the workshops?

Don't forget your name badge! Your name badge is your only way into all of the events including the wrap party.

What's the schedule Monday?

8:45am - Alamo Drafthouse Lobby Opens

9:00am - Theater Doors Open

9:15am - 10:45am Joi McMillon

10:45 - 11:00am Break

11:00am - 12:30pm Byron Smith

12:30pm - 12:45pm Break

12:45pm - 2:30pm Dallas Taylor & Trevor Gates

2:30pm - 2:45pm Break

2:45pm - 3:00pm Tony Yu

3:00pm - 3:15pm Break

3:15pm - 4:45pm Pamela Ribon

4:45pm - 5:00pm Closing Remarks

I'm hungry! What do I do for lunch?

The Alamo Drafthouse has some amazing food so feel free to order from the comfort of your seat. You should have a menu in front of you but if not you can see the food menu here and the drink menu here and there are also plenty of vegan options that can be found here.

Where & when is Monday night's optional networking event?

The Chuggin' Monkey at 219 E. 6th St. - outdoor back patio.


What group number am I?

On the back of your name badge on the bottom right there's a number (either 1, 2 or 3). That is your group number.

I'm group * and don't know where to go?

No problem! At 9:55am meet your group at: Group 1: Meet your group leader, Dustin, in the courtyard of Central Presbyterian.
Group 2: Meet your group leader, Nilu, in the courtyard of Central Presbyterian.
Group 3: Meet your group leader, Bruno, in the courtyard of Central Presbyterian.
Central Presbyterian is located at 200 E. 8th St.

Where is Central Presbyterian located and how do I get there?

Central Presbyterian is located at 200 E. 8th St. To get there from the Omni exit through the main Omni entrance and that giant church right in front of you, that's it! The entrance to Central Presbyterian is up the ramp through the second gate.

How do Tuesday's breakout sessions work?

At the end of the day on Monday everyone will be assigned to a group. You’ll meet your group on Tuesday morning at Central Presbyterian prior to when the break out sessions start. Each group will rotate 3 times so everyone will get to participate in every break out session so you won’t miss a thing. Breakout Sessions Schedule:

10:00 - 11:30am Rotation #1

11:30 - 12:30pm Lunch Break

12:30 - 2:00pm Rotation #2

2:00 - 2:30pm Break

2:30 - 4:00pm Rotation #3

What is the schedule for Tuesday?

10:00 - 11:30am Rotation #1

11:30 - 12:30pm Lunch Break

12:30 - 2:00pm Rotation #2

2:00 - 2:30pm Break

2:30 - 4:00pm Rotation #3

8:30pm Optional Networking Get Together

I need coffee stat. Where's the closest place?

Luckily there is a coffee shop inside the Omni lobby. There is also an excellent coffeeshop nearby at 401 Congress Ave. called Houndstooth Coffee.

Where can we get lunch Tuesday?

There are tons of restaurants nearby that you can see on but some of our favorites are Roaring Fork, The Backspace, Eureka!, The Jackalope and Casino El Camino just to name a few.


Where is the Alamo Drafthouse and how do I get there from the Omni?

The Alamo Drafthouse is located at 320 E. 6th St. If you're walking from the Omni to the Alamo exit through the main Omni entrance and head east on E 8th St toward San Jacinto Blvd. Turn right onto San Jacinto Blvd. Turn left onto E 6th St. The Alamo Drafthouse will be on the left.

What time does everything start Wednesday?

At 9:00am the Alamo Drafthouse doors open. We will have breakfast tacos and, of course, coffee.

What's the schedule Wednesday?

9:00am - Alamo Drafthouse Lobby Opens

9:15am - Theater Doors Open

9:30am - 11:00am Phillip Youmans

11:00am - 11:20am Break

11:20pm - 12:50pm Carmen Cabana

12:50pm - 1:10pm Break

1:10pm - 2:40pm Salvatore Totino ASC, AIC

2:40pm - 3:00pm Break

3:00pm - 5:00pm Alan Ball

5:00pm - 5:15pm Closing Remarks

I'm hungry! What do I do for lunch?

The Alamo Drafthouse has some amazing food so feel free to order from the comfort of your seat. You should have a menu in front of you but if not you can see the food menu here and the drink menu here and there are also plenty of vegan options that can be found here.

Where & when is tonight's wrap party?

See you at 8:30pm at Shakespeare’s (314 E. 6th St.) on the 2nd Floor.